Saturday, November 11, 2017

Costco on a Saturday afternoon

Gail and her nephew, Blaine, picked me up abut 3:00, and we headed for Costco, which was open from 1:00 to 5:00 today.  What an absolute zoo! Blaine dropped us off, and went to park the car--somewhere. Everybody and their dog, not to mention about 4 children per parent, were there.  I managed to nab a scooter, a I knew it was gong to be along trip, it's a big store, and the line-ups at the cashier, were down the aisles.  They had no list, and had to discuss/negotiate every purchase.  I managed to stay with them most of the time.  Lost them once, but found them again fairly easily. The second time I lost them, I just went back to where I had last left them, and waited.  Eventually, they found me.  The problem was that the crowds were so heavy, and no-one sees you when you're low to the ground, so driving was a challenge, and the scooter was slow.  Paying was less of a challenge.  WE got in one line with Gail and her heavily laden cart, and me on the scooter, with the basket full.  There was a fellow trying to direct everyone to the shorter lines, but when he saw us, directed us to a Handicap line.  so we got out fairly quickly.  The goods from the scooter were transferred to another cart, while I took the scooter to the area outside where they were stored.  I waited, and eventually Gail came by with the two carts, left one with me, and took off to find the car.  Blaine went back for a hotdog.  I sat and waited--and waited--and waited.  Meanwhile the store was trying to close.  I couldn't believe the number of people who came in within 5 minutes of closing, and grabbed a cart, and headed in.  There was a poor man trying to tell everyone that the store was closing, but nobody listened.  Finally he had a big overhead door closed over the entrance, and they still kept coming, trying to get in the exit.  Finally Gail showed up and took the other cart to the car, saying she would be right back to pick me.  No sign of Blaine.  I think it was close to 30 minutes that I waited by the entrance.  Finally Gail and the car showed up outside, but when she saw only me waiting, pulled back into the parking lot and parked.  Finally Blaine sauntered out eating his hot dog. and we were off.  

Overall, this was an adventure.  Very much an episode in people watching.  But I did get the four cases of organic lentil soup with vegetables that I had wanted, and two rotisserie chickens.  We stopped for coffee on the way home, and David finally got his chicken for supper about 6:30.

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