Saturday, June 4, 2016

Garage sale

Arg-g-g-h!  I forgot my camera.  And no-one was going to drive back to get it.  The morning didn't start off well, at it was 8:00 before we got to Amber's.  The sale was scheduled to start at 9:00, and while we had made a couple of trips out there yesterday, we still had to set up in the driveway.  Amber took most of her stuff across the street, and we sort of divided it up to Adult stuff at Amber's and children's stuff across the street.

There were at least 3 other sales on the block, and some enterprising person set up a lemonade stand as well.  Customers were steady until about noon, and then fell off to a trickle after that.  The rain fell in fits and starts until noon as well, but then the day became much warmer.  David tells me that I have a sunburn on the back of my neck, as I was sitting there until 3:00, when we started to pack up.  Most of the "guy" stuff sold, but not much in the way of clothing, although Amber had said that it has sold really well in previous sales. We were surprised when two women pushing strollers bought the two sets of jumper cables.  Go figure! A friend of Amber's had been there when we dropped stuff off on Friday, and bought most of my T-shirts, but only a jacket sold today, and I had to cut the price on that.  We had taken six totes full of china out and brought only two home. People sure knew their stuff, as my casseroles sold quickly.  I even sold 7 cup and saucer sets!  That was a surprise.  Over all, we got rid of a lot of stuff.  The leftover clothing is all going to a clothing drive on behalf of a local woman's shelter, and I was glad not to bring it home.  Two totes of china are headed for the thrift store, and the remainder is staying in the garage until after we finish the renovations.  It has been two days of heavy activity for both of us.  Amber was exhausted as well.  So now a quiet evening and off to bed.

Yeah, the diet suffered, but I'm finding myself being much more responsible, even when I cheat.  All proceeds from the sale will go to buying me a new wardrobe, since most of the old one is gone.  

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